The Institute launches a new international research project “ThrombUS+”

Important | 2024-01-29

The Biomedical Engineering Institute has launched an ambitious international project in which a team of experts from technology, clinical trials, social sciences, and industry will develop an innovative wearable diagnostic device to improve prevention of deep vein thrombosis.

On 1 January 2024, the BMEI launched the project ‘ThrombUS+: Wearable Continuous Point-of-Care Monitoring, Risk Estimation, and Prevention for Deep Vein Thrombosis,’ funded by the EU’s ambitious research and innovation programme ‘Horizon Europe’. The project involves 18 partners from Greece, Lithuania, France, Germany, the USA, Italy, Finland, and Spain. It is coordinated by ATHENA, a Greek research centre. Horizon Europe Innovation Action funds the venture with €9.5 million, and the project duration is 42 months.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a medical condition in which blood clots form in the deep veins, often in the legs. These clots, when they break off, can block the blood vessels in the lungs, leading to a life-threatening condition called pulmonary embolism. Diagnosis of this pathology is challenging due to silent episodes and the absence of symptoms. In the ThrombUS+ project, partners aim to address the challenges of diagnosis and prevention with a wearable device-system. This system utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze data recorded by ultrasound, bioimpedance plethysmography, and light reflectance rheography sensors. It is designed to monitor the activity of bedridden patients’ limbs while they engage in mobility-enhancing serious computer games, thus helping to prevent DVT. The project also plans to generate and utilize big data to train and test artificial intelligence algorithms in large-scale clinical trials.

The KTU Biomedical Engineering Institute is competitive both nationally and internationally in the field of biomedical engineering, particularly in areas such as biomedical electronics, sensors, wearable systems, ultrasound technologies, and biomedical signal and image processing. The Institute boasts extensive experience in developing biomedical sensors, signal processing algorithms, and biosignal databases. As part of its involvement in the project, the Institute will lead the entire Sensor System Integration Work Package (WP6) and will also oversee nine tasks in other work packages, in addition to contributing to the execution of 15 tasks. These tasks will encompass various aspects, including the development of functional and technical requirements for the system, the design of the Tissue Compression Actuator and Limb Activity Sensor, formulation of product specifications, establishment of testing methodologies, and the implementation of security and privacy solutions for the integrated system.

For more information on the ThrombUS+ project, please visit the project website:

On 24-25 January, the project’s first kickoff meeting in Alexandroupoli, Greece was attended by the project leader, BMII Director Vaidotas Marozas and Senior Researchers Rytis Jurkonis and Andrius Rapalis.