The second cycle studies in the study field of Bioengineering has been accredited for a maximum period

Important | 2023-01-31

Good news – the second cycle studies in the study field of Bioengineering at Kaunas University of Technology has been rated excellent by the Study Quality Assessment Center (SKVC).  The study program has gained 30 points and has been accredited for a maximum period of 7 years (until January 17, 2030).

The external evaluation of the higher school’s performance is carried out once every 7 years. The evaluation process consists of the main following stages: 1) self-evaluation and self-evaluation report prepared by Higher Education Institution; 2) site visit of the expert panel to the higher education institution; 3) production of the external evaluation report (EER) by the expert panel and its publication; 4) follow-up activities. Such an evaluation is intended to help higher education institutions constantly improve their study process and to inform the public about the quality of studies.

You can find the order of the Director of SKVC here.

The SKVC conclusion states that the Biomedical Engineering program at KTU is very good and excellent – this program has a focus on biomedical signal processing and perfectly meets the needs of employers. Students are involved in both research and clinical activities in many aspects of the course, from visiting clinics to collaborative projects. This results in a well-balanced and well-rounded learning experience for students that prepares them very well for their future careers. This was confirmed by former and current students as well as representatives of employers.

The program is linked with several thriving research institutes within KTU. The research at these institutes is at an international level as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications and collaborations. These links afford the students an excellent exposure to modern research techniques and facilities. It also integrates current research into the curriculum which ensures its relevance to employers. Good links with clinical partners provide the students with insight into how medical devices are used and how to meet clinical needs when developing such devices.

You can get acquainted with the evaluation report here.